Saturday, September 5, 2015

Guess What I Did!

It's been a year and a half since my celiac diagnosis. It's also been a year and a half since I've eaten something made by someone other than myself, Dan or my parents. Until today.

My First Restaurant Meal in 1.5 Years My First Restaurant Meal in 1.5 Years

I actually teared up a bit when talking to the cashier to make sure things would be okay for me to eat. (I knew In & Out was supposed to be very celiac-friendly but I still gotta make sure!) A year and a half is a long time to feel you can't eat anywhere but your own house! So today was a really big step. Go me!

1 comment:

  1. A belated congratulations to you. I can (sort of) relate. I tend to stay away from anything with standard sugar or flour. It's something that candida hates, with me I become incredibly itchy! Trust me, it's not a fun time. Earlier this year, I had a similar experience. It felt great!
