Thursday, May 9, 2013

Enthusiasm (or Not)

I should be working on my socks right now. I got a decent bit done last night all things considered, but I still have an inch and a half (about) before starting the toes. I plan on sticking a movie on later today and getting some serious knitting done. I hope.

I'll have to pick a happy movie, though, because the weather is nasty and gloomy today. It's even raining. Sigh. Just when I was getting my hopes up that spring (or even summer) was here to stay.

And while I'm not enthusiastic about the weather (or my current socks), Dan displayed some enthusiasm last night for the use of masking tape.

Dan Is Enthusiastic

Our garbage disposal was leaking a little and last night Dan was trying to fix it when it... well, broke a bit more. So tonight we'll be getting a new garbage disposal, but until then we aren't supposed to use that side of the sink. Dan's hint is so subtle, though, it's hard to remember that.


  1. I guess he is serious about not using it, huh? :) I suppose that was when the new garbage disposal was pending being installed?

    1. Yep, in between the breaking of the old one that night and the installation of the new one the next day. He even said he got a little carried away. :)
